Nearly 40 Years of Hames Homes Commercials

05/16/2002: "All the Comforts" 10 second spot
2002/05/16: All The Comforts (Commercial) from Barbara Hames on Vimeo.
05/16/2002: "Dreams Come True" 30 second spot
2002/05/16: Dreams Come True (Commercial) from Barbara Hames on Vimeo.
05/16/2002: "Safe Neighborhoods" 10 second spot
2002/05/16: Safe Neighborhoods (Commercial) from Barbara Hames on Vimeo.
05/16/2002: "Serious About Service" 10 second spot
2002/05/16: Serious About Service (Commercial) from Barbara Hames on Vimeo.
05/16/2002: "Upbeat Montage" 30 second spot
2002/05/16: Upbeat Montage #1 (Commercial) from Barbara Hames on Vimeo.
05/16/2002: "Upbeat Montage 2" 30 second spot
2002/05/16: Upbeat Montage #2 (Commercial) from Barbara Hames on Vimeo.
12/02/2002: "Inventory Clearance Sale" 10 second spot
2002/12/02: Inventory Clearance Sale (Commercial) from Barbara Hames on Vimeo.
12/02/2002: "Inventory Clearance Sale 2" 10 second spot
2002/12/02: Inventory Clearance Sale #2 (Commercial) from Barbara Hames on Vimeo.